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Comp&Holiday - Third Party Liability Insurance and Pilot Accident Insurance
for Parachutes, Hang Gliders and Paragliders
Especially for competition pilots and holidayers we have put together a insurance package "Comp & Holiday", fulfilling the minimum requirements for participation in those days FAI/CIVL sanctioned comps, but also provide for a more stressless flying holiday
Scope of Benefits:
Obligatory Third Party Liability Insurance
  • coverage up to EUR 1.5 Millions (at least SDR 750.00,00)
  • one (1) year validity
  • exchange of ensured glider in the policy possible at any time
Emergency Rescue Coverage (inclusive helicopter rescue) up to EUR 10.000
  • one (1) year validity
Accident costs (accident related medical and repatriation costs) up to a total of EUR 20.000
  • at least EUR 10.000 coverage for medical costs
  • at least EUR 10.000 coverage for repatriation costs
  • valid during one (1) FAI/CIVL-COMP or one (1) holiday, maximum four (4) weeks only
  • covarage for additional competitions or holidays avaliable (additional premium see below)
  • Accident costs up to a total of EUR 50.000 avaliable (Upgrade 50 Edition)
We reimburse costs according to the insurance policy, but do not organise emergency rescue, medical assistance or repatriation.
Territorial scope:
for EU, EEA, UK and Swiss citizens: coverage worldwide (except USA, US territories and Canada)
for other non-EU citizens: coverage restricted to EU, EEA, UK and Swiss territory but extended to FAI/CIVL sanctioned competitions worldwide (except USA)
Appicable Law and Fees:
Austrian law applies
Reduced fees for members of NACs cooperating with AXA
maximum age: 70 years


Euro / SDR (*)
Insurance sums - Third Party Liability Insurance
valid 1 year
Third Party Liability insurance for parachutes, non-motorised hang gliders and paragliders, valid worldwide (except USA, US territories and Canada), competition risks included € 1.500.000,--
(at least) SDR 750.000,--
loss liability (without prior damage to property) € 12.000,--
Emergency rescue costs resulting from accidents with the glider insured (personal rescue only) € 10.000,--
(*) The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an artificial currency, which was introduced by the International Monetary Fund. The liability sums are expressed in SDR in the law.
Insurance sums - Pilot Accident Insurance (Base Edition)
valid during Holiday or FAI/CIVL-COMP only, maximum 4 weeks
Accident-related medical costs as well as cosmetic surgery € 10.000,--
Accident-related repatriation costs € 10.000,--
Limit of indemnity for any one occurrence
(If any of the categories above isn’t exhausted or used at all, the sum for the other category increases pro-rata at most to this limit.)
€ 20.000,--
Single Premium Base Edition (inclusive insurance tax)
regular € 253,--
additional competition or holiday + € 150,--
Upgrade 50 Edition
Third Party Liablilty as above, Raised Insurance sums for Pilot Accident Insurance:
Accident-related medical costs as well as cosmetic surgery € 25.000,--
Accident-related repatriation costs € 25.000,--
Limit of indemnity for any one occurrence
(If any of the categories above isn’t exhausted or used at all, the sum for the other category increases pro-rata at most to this limit.)
€ 50.000,--
Single Premium Upgrade 50 Edition (inclusive insurance tax)
regular € 450,--
additional competition or holiday + € 350,--
Insurance Terms and Conditions
Third Party-/Passenger Legal Liability Insurance Conditions AVB for Aircarft Owners and Air Carriers 300/2016 (english translaton)
Only the german version (see below) ist legally binding!
Special Terms and Conditions of Aviation Liability Insurance (Valid: 01.04.2005) (english translaton)
Only the german version (see below) ist legally binding!
Aviation Personal Accident Insurance Conditions AVB 200/2008 (english translaton)
Only the german version (see below) ist legally binding!
Special€ Terms €and €Conditions €for €the €Insurance €of €Accident €Costs€ (english translation)
Only the german version (see below) ist legally binding!
Luftfahrt Haftpflichtversicherungs-Bedingungen (Luftfahrzeughalter, Luftfrachtführer) AVB 300/2016 (in german language) PDF
Besonderen Bedingungen zur Luftfahrt-Haftpflicht-Versicherung (Stand 01.04.2005) (in german language) PDF
Luftfahrt Unfallversicherungs-Bedingungen AVB 200/2008 (in german language) PDF
Besondere Bedingungen für die Mitversicherung von Unfallkosten (in german language) PDF
Additional information
Vertragsinformationen (in german language) PDF
Informationen zur Verwendung Ihrer Daten (in german language) PDF
Information concerning the usage of your data PDF
Information on the (preliminary) exclusion of risks in the USA (TRIA-Information)
Application Forms for Download
Base Edition PDF
Upgrade 50 Edition PDF
You can download, print, fill in and sign the form and then post it to us oder send a scan via email.
Insurance cover starts with arrival of the premium.


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